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"New- Old-Stock" Accutron Spaceview Crystals in their original envelopes. The 60+ year  old "Luminous" crystals no longer glow in the dark, but they add an unmistakable look of quality to any Spaceview. Quantities are limited, so if you own one of these iconic watches, you should definitely have a spare. If you don't see your crystal listed, please inquire.

Out of stock Compression tool required

  $38.00   Compression tool required

$38.00 Compression tool required

 $38.00 Compression tool required

$38.00Press Fit

 $38.00 Compression tool required

$38.00Press Fit

$38.00 Press Fitress Fit

$38.00  Press Fit

 $38.00  Press Fit

$75.00  Press Fit

$18.00 Press Fit

$18.00  Press Fit

$18.00 Press Fit

$38.00 Press Fit